Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fried Okra with Parmesan

Fried Okra with Parmesan Cheese
1 bag of breaded Okra (we always use "Stillwell" brand, but whatever you prefer!)

(OR bread your own fresh sliced okra with some corn flour seasoned with salt. Simply toss the sliced fresh okra with the seasoned flour. You may use egg beaten with milk to dip the okra in before breading, if you like a heavy batter.)

Oil for deep frying

Grated Parmesan Cheese (I use it from the shaker can, feel free to use fresh!)

Soul seasoning (a blend of spicy seasoned salt... see my Essential Pantry List)

Heat the oil. When hot, deep fry the okra. When it is golden brown, remove from oil. Drain on paper towels. Sprinkle immediatly with grated parmesan cheese and soul seasoning.

We had been eating some fried ravioli sprinkled with parmesan cheese, when I decided to fry up the okra while the oil was hot. The parmesan was on the paper towels, and some got on the okra. It was sooo tasty, we added more parmesan, and our new dish was born!

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